Friday, July 20 Concert Schedule:
DJ 6h057 (DJ to spin between all set changes)
1:00pm-1:45pm Muertos Heist
2:10pm-2:55pm The Wreckless
3:20pm-4:05pm The Swank Bastards
4:30pm-5:15pm Not Much Cooler
5:40pm-6:25pm Los Ataskados
6:50pm-7:35pm Sector 7G
8:00pm-8:45pm Rayner
9:10pm-10:00pm The Escapers
XPOZ’s main goal is to promote a smoke free scene through music, education and awareness showing the public that the tobacco industry is destroying the environment, our civil rights, our health, and our culture.
People in the alt music scene are always fighting against injustices and corporate manipulation. Somehow, though, the tobacco industry’s manipulation and global damage has been overlooked because young people that are part of the scene smoke tobacco MORE than all other youth cultures. XPOZ is here to change that. We believe that if people in the scene know more about the destructive practices of the tobacco industry, they will help us support a smoke free scene.
When it comes to smoking, XPOZ believes in fully informed choice that is free from lies and deceit. By celebrating local music and educating people about the harm caused by the tobacco industry, we hope to shift the image of the scene from one that supports smoking to one that is defined by creative music that is smoke free.