Titanic 100 Year Anniversary Commemorative Dinner & Champagne Cruise
With the 100 year Anniversary of the Titanic fast approaching, interest is building all over the world to both remember and pay respect by participating in authentic dinners, memorial cruises and a host of special events that commemorate this historic occasion.
For one special evening, Bernard’s Bistro at Lake Las Vegas is faithfully recreating the ambience and elegance that First Class passengers enjoyed on the world’s most magnificent ship of the day.
Titanic 100 Year Anniversary
Commemorative Dinner & Champagne Cruise
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Six-Course Dinner 7:00 pm
Live Entertainment
Champagne Cruise 10: 00 pm
Bernard’s Bistro
15 Via Bel Canto / MonteLago Village
Lake Las Vegas / Henderson, NV
(702) 565-1155
Cost: $100 per person (Dinner & Cruise)
Only 100 Reservations are being offered