Silver State Schools CU People Over Profit (POP) Foundation
Donates $2,500 to Leadership in Training

The Silver State Schools CU People Over Profit (POP) Foundation, fulfilling its mission to support Southern Nevada charitable education-based organizations, made a $2,500 donation to Leaders In Training. Leaders In Training (LIT) is a grassroots community-based program that operates as an after school non-profit organization serving students who will be the first in their family to graduate from college. Eligible students can join LIT as High School Freshman and continue in the program through postsecondary education. This donation will help LIT continue to provide leadership development, tutoring and mentoring, and provide computer access for students to complete college applications and study for standardized testing.
“After learning of the impact this program has serving Southern Nevada youth, we are delighted to provide this donation to Leaders In Training,” said Malinda Watson, POP Foundation Board Chairman. “Helping an organization that develops and encourages young adults to complete their high school and postsecondary education, and entrusts in them the values of leadership, helps build future leaders for our community.”
“Being able to provide this donation to a local education-based organization that is dedicated to developing leaders that serve young adults and our community is extremely gratifying”, states Scott A. Arkills, President and CEO, Silver State Schools Credit Union. “The POP Foundation was founded by Silver State Schools Credit Union to serve and provide resources to organizations such as Leaders In Training who dedicate their time, effort, and resources to bettering the lives of so many young adults.”
Recognizing the positive impacts of its employees, the Silver State Schools Credit Union (SSSCU) Board of Directors and its Executive Team established the Silver State Schools CU People Over Profit (POP) Foundation, a Nevada nonprofit charitable 501(c)(3) organization in 2019. As the charitable arm of SSSCU, the POP Foundation strives to elevate education and financial literacy by providing Southern Nevada students with tools, resources, and access to build a better future by educating, empowering, and enhancing our community for the common good.
From partnering with like-minded local nonprofit organizations, to uncovering unmet needs within our community, we are eager to do more for Southern Nevada students. When you donate to the Silver State Schools CU People Over Profit (POP) Foundation, your financial support enables us to put funds toward bettering the lives of young people in our community. To give a tax-deductible donation and make a lasting difference in the life of a child, or learn more about the POP Foundation, please visit
For additional information about Leaders In Training, please visit
For more information about Silver State Schools Credit Union, please visit