Saturday, March 14, 2015, Jerry Lewis took in “FRANK – The Man. The Music.” at The Palazzo Las Vegas. The legendary actor and comedian attended the show with a large group to celebrate his 89th birthday, which takes place Monday, March 16.
Star of “FRANK – The Man. The Music.” Bob Anderson welcomed Lewis to the show: “We are among royalty tonight. A gentleman that is with us here is an iconic legend and is a very, very close friend of mine, and I say that in a loving way. The whole world knows who he is and we have him right here tonight: Mr. Jerry Lewis.”
Lewis was welcomed by the audience with a standing ovation. After the show, Anderson and Lewis had the chance to sit down together.

“FRANK – The Man. The Music.” performs Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays at 8 p.m., and Fridays at 9 p.m. at The Palazzo Theatre. Tickets are now on sale. For up-to-date schedule information, including dark dates, or to purchase tickets, visit any Box Office at The Venetian or The Palazzo, go online at, or call (702) 414-9000.