Las Vegas Raiders Host Junior Training Camp
for Youth Ages 9 to 11 in West Las Vegas,
Make Donation to Mayor’s Fund for Las Vegas LIFE
to benefit Westside Schools Flag Football League

The Las Vegas Raiders hosted a Junior Training Camp (RJTC) on Oct. 19 at Kiango Isoke Park at the Doolittle Complex in West Las Vegas for 60 children ages 9 to 11 who are part of the Westside Schools Flag Football League, a free league offered at Doolittle Community Center. Conducting the training camp for the Raiders were Dillon Stoner (#16) and Nate Hobbs (#39).
Following the RJTC that concluded with a “chalk talk,” the Las Vegas Raiders announced a donation of $5,000 to the Mayor’s Fund for Las Vegas LIFE to benefit the Westside Schools League.
The Silver & Black has been hosting RJTCs—free youth football clinics facilitated by the Raiders and geared towards boys and girls—in Southern Nevada since 2017. The camp’s curriculum was developed so that any student can participate regardless of age, gender, ability or experience. Participants run through football drills and are encouraged to stay active for at least 60 minutes a day, which contributes to a healthy lifestyle.
The Mayor’s Fund is a vehicle for corporate and philanthropic partners to support innovative programs that improve quality of life for all Las Vegas residents with a special focus on vulnerable populations, including the Westside Schools League.