Hope Means Nevada Announces “#Ask5 To Smash Stress” Campaign For National Stress Awareness Month In April





 From April 4 – May 2, Hope Means Nevada (HMN), the community-based non-profit focused on eliminating youth suicide in the state, announces it will conduct a monthlong “#Ask5 to Smash Stress” social media campaign for National Stress Awareness month. The campaign is sponsored by Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield.

HMN seeks to encourage a sense of community and peer support among teens as a way to foster mental wellness. For the entire month, the social media campaign will encourage teens to #Ask5 of their friends how they are doing and provide actionable techniques to encourage mental wellness. Each week will focus on a different theme, with each one chosen to raise awareness of effective ways to alleviate stress.

Teens will be encouraged to log onto Facebook, Twitter and Instagram daily to learn about different stress-relieving strategies, including everything from meditation and creating strong social support groups, to practicing yoga and creating visual art. In daily live-streamed presentations and short videos posted to social media, teens and a variety of professionals will share helpful mental wellness tips and meaningful discussion.

#Ask5 to Smash Stress will focus on the following topics:

  • Week 1, April 4 – 10: Crush the Stigma – emotional self-care.
  • Week 2, April 11 – 17: Move Your Body, Clear Your Mind – physical self-care.
  • Week 3, April 18 – 24: Positive Social Circles of Support – building and nurturing friendships.
  • Week 4, April 25 – May 2: Take Care of Your Soul – spiritual self-care.

In addition, the campaign will feature different Weekly Challenges to encourage teens to engage with the campaign and share information with their peers. Challenges will include:

  • Week 1: #Ask5 friends to join in watching Hope Means Nevada’s #Ask5 to Smash Stress daily live-streams and videos.
  • Week 2: Tik Tok Dance Challenge – Post a dance video to their page and tag @hopemeansnevada.
  • Week 3: Have a video chat with their social circle and tell them 5 things they appreciate about them.
  • Week 4: Share a favorite spiritual practice on social media or with 5 family and/or friends, such as meditation, taking a walk outdoors, attending church, praying, etc.

“This past year has been particularly stressful for youth, so we created this campaign to raise awareness of ways to help,” says Caroline Edgeworth, co-chair, HMN Teen Community. “National Stress Awareness month provides the perfect occasion to focus on important self-care practices that can alleviate anxiety and isolation, while improving overall mental wellness.”

Hope Means Nevada is a community-based initiative of non-profit Nevada Medical Center focused on reversing the youth suicide trend in Nevada by inspiring a culture of empathy and advocacy around mental health. Created to raise overall awareness around Nevada’s high rates of mental health challenges and teen suicide in Nevada, Hope Means Nevada acknowledges teens may be encountering increased levels of stress, anxiety and depression due to the impact of COVID-19. For more information about Hope Means Nevada, go to www.hopemeansnevada.org, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. The National Suicide Prevention Hotline number is (800) 273-8255 or Text “Home” to 741741.

Article Name
Hope Means Nevada Announces "#Ask5 To Smash Stress" Campaign For National Stress Awareness Month In April