3 Inches of Blood Interview and Las Vegas Cheyenne Saloon Show Review and Pictures

Canadian METAL monsters 3 INCHES OF BLOOD Headlined a show at The Cheyenne Saloon on Friday December 7th. Also performing was Huntress, Hookers, Exmortus, A Sinners Confession, Fenrir and Tyrants of Torment. Before the show they took time out of their hectic touring schedule to answer some questions for Vegas24Seven. We found out that they love coming to Vegas to party and perform. They played with Lamb of God and Hatebreed at House of Blues several years ago and WOW what a show and party. I was there and it took several days to recover after that enslaught of METAL. There has been a couple of other unforgettable shows of theirs here too. (: Sometimes they just come here to unwind – who doesn’t love Vegas? Other than the non-stop schedule 3 Inches of Blood gets off on partying and performing and making METAL music their way. They have stayed true to their roots and enjoy making music that they like. That’s why they like the relationship the have with Century Media. Century Media let’s them be them and have really catapulted their popularity in Europe and oversees. Long Live Heavy Metal was released this year and the band is happy with the way it turned out. They like the way it was mixed and engineered and it’s true 3IOB METAL with just a slight twist. It’s just what they wanted. Look for some new tracks, possibly and new CD and a couple of tours next year. 2013 will be another year full of METAL music 3 Inches of Blood style.

“Metal Woman” VIDEO – http://youtu.be/_Y8xwttdjCc

Century Media Band info http://www.centurymedia.com/artist.aspx?IdArtist=221

3 Inches of Blood is;
Cam Pipes – Vocals | Shane Clark – Guitars | Justin Hagberg – Guitars
Ash Pearson – Drums | Byron Stroud – Bass

Wow , what an awesome METAL show 3 Inches of Blood put on Friday night at the Las Vegas Cheyenne Saloon. I have been a huge fan of the band ever since I got ahold of Fire Up The Blades when it came out. I jumped at the chance to review this show. What hooked me was the unique and hard sound my brothers from north of the border have. I like bands that stand out and still make it work. No packaged metal for me please! The band was fashionably late as they got their inspiration for the show and the crowd was ready for it. 3 Inches of Blood came out loud and proud and I’m glad to say this is one of few bands I’ve seen that is BETTER live than on CD. Not that the CD’s are bad. It’s that you feel the bands energy and passion more live. Tireless and intricate guitar work by Shane and Justin, ear splitting vocals from Cam, Byron bringing the down low and Ash pounding life into us all. The other die-hard METAL heads in the crowd definitely enjoyed them as well. There was lots of head banging, hair whipping and an occasional pit breaking out. 3 Inches Of Blood just freaking killed The Cheyenne Saloon. If you haven’t heard of them crawl out from under the rock and go get their music. If you get the chance GO SEE THEM, no matter where they’re playing!!!!! \m/ \m/



Set list from the show:
Metal Woman
My Sword Will Not Sleep
Leather Lord
Destroy the Orks
Forest King
Call of the Hammer
Night Marauders
Revenge is a Vulture
Trial of Champions
Dark Messenger
Battles and Brotherhood
Deadly Sinners



3103 N. Rancho Dr, Las Vegas, NV 89130
1 702.645.4139
Always open.
The Cheyenne Saloon is a bar and a popular venue for local bands. The live music
events begin at 9pm, after the crowds gather momentum. The place is a favorite
performing venue for heavy metal bands in Vegas. So, if you are looking for
a METAL evening, this is the place to be as the place gets pretty crowded
and noisy. The atmosphere is alive with energy with people coming in droves and
getting high on the music.

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