April Is Child Abuse Prevention Month







Nevada CASA Association, Prevent Child Abuse Nevada Seek to Raise Community Awareness, Provide Resources

 The Nevada Court-Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) Association and Prevent Child Abuse Nevada, part of UNLV’s Nevada Institute for Children’s Research and Policy, have partnered on a messaging campaign in recognition of April’s National Child Abuse Prevention Month. Created to acknowledge the importance of the community working together to prevent child abuse and neglect, the month draws attention to effective prevention solutions because all children deserve to thrive during childhood.

Factors that contribute to the likelihood of abuse or neglect include stress, family history of violence, poverty, substance abuse, and chronic health problems. Abuse and neglect occur across all income levels and racial/ethnic backgrounds, and incidents of abuse and neglect rise during periods of economic instability.

Every family needs support during stressful times, and everyone can play a role in making the community more supportive. Increasing informal resources for families can reduce stress and increase support. Such resources might include getting to know new neighbors and families, volunteering time at pre- or post-school programs, or providing time for parents to have an occasional break by offering to babysit, organizing neighborhood activities and ensuring the inclusion of all children in social settings.

Another way to provide support is by volunteering with a local organization that serves children and families, such as by becoming a CASA volunteer. CASA volunteers advocate for the most vulnerable children currently in foster care to ensure they receive a safe, loving, permanent home.

Throughout the state, businesses, law enforcement agencies and other organizations will plant blue pinwheels, wear blue ribbons or “Child Abuse Prevention” lapel pins or post signage to call attention to child abuse prevention. This year, the Washoe County CASA Foundation will engage in numerous coordinated efforts to make child abuse prevention as visible as possible throughout the county, while strengthening relationships with partner agencies such as Washoe Legal Services and the Child Advocacy Center.

“Local leadership provides an important piece of the puzzle, as each community in Nevada has its own issues and solutions,” said Amanda Haboush-Deloye, Ph.D., interim executive director, Nevada Institute for Children’s Research Policy. “Our commitment to this partnership means standing together as a strong, unified, statewide voice advocating for prevention efforts and the elimination of child abuse and neglect.”

Prevent Child Abuse Nevada (PCANV) is a non-profit organization and the Nevada chapter of Prevent Child Abuse America. PCANV works towards the prevention of child abuse and neglect through education, advocacy and outreach. All funds raised will be used only to support these efforts. For child abuse prevention resources and information, go to www.preventchildabusenevada.org. To report suspected abuse in Nevada, call this number 24/7: (833) 803-1183.

Article Name
April Is Child Abuse Prevention Month